7 body parts to know in Sanskrit to memorize the names of yoga postures

Viparita Karani, here resembling Sarvangasana, illustrated in the 1830 manuscript of Joga Pradīpikā originally written by Ramanandi Jayatarama in 1737

Posture names are sometimes difficult to remember for a beginner. By learning a few basic Sanskrit words, one can easily decipher the names of the most common asanas and thus better understand and remember them.

1. Hasta – हस्त = hand, arm

Example: Urdhva Hastasana – उर्ध्व हस्तासन​ = Arms upward/raised up

Urdhva Hastasana in Svastikasana

2. Pāda = leg, foot

Example: Urdhva Prasarita Padasana – उर्ध्व प्रसारित पादासन​ = Legs extending upward

Urdhva Prasarita Padasana (or legs up the wall)

3. Mukha = face

Example: Adho Mukha Śvānāsana – अधोमुखश्वानासन = Downward-facing dog

Adho Mukha Śvānāsana or Downward-facing dog

4. Śīrṣa= head

Example: Śīrṣāsanaशीर्षासन​ = Head posture

Śīrṣāsana to the wall

5. Aṅga – अङ्गा = limb

Example: Sālamba Sarvāṅgāsana – सालम्ब सर्वाङ्गासन = Supported all limbs pose (shoulder stand)

Sālamba Sarvāṅgāsana

6. Paścima – पश्चिम = literally ‘west’ side of the body, i.e. the back

Example: Paścimottānāsana – पश्चिमोत्तानासन = intense extension of the back

Paścimottānāsana with a bolster

7. Purva = literally ‘east’ side of the body, i.e. the front

Example: Sālamba Purvottānāsana – उत्थित पूर्वोत्तानासन = Supported intense extension of the ‘east’ side of the body (i.e. the front)

Sālamba Purvottānāsana