Posture names are sometimes difficult to remember for a beginner. By learning a few basic Sanskrit words, one can easily decipher the names of the most common asanas and thus better understand and remember them.
1. Hasta – हस्त = hand, arm
Example: Urdhva Hastasana – उर्ध्व हस्तासन = Arms upward/raised up

2. Pāda = leg, foot
Example: Urdhva Prasarita Padasana – उर्ध्व प्रसारित पादासन = Legs extending upward

3. Mukha = face
Example: Adho Mukha Śvānāsana – अधोमुखश्वानासन = Downward-facing dog

4. Śīrṣa= head
Example: Śīrṣāsana – शीर्षासन = Head posture

5. Aṅga – अङ्गा = limb
Example: Sālamba Sarvāṅgāsana – सालम्ब सर्वाङ्गासन = Supported all limbs pose (shoulder stand)

6. Paścima – पश्चिम = literally ‘west’ side of the body, i.e. the back
Example: Paścimottānāsana – पश्चिमोत्तानासन = intense extension of the back

7. Purva = literally ‘east’ side of the body, i.e. the front
Example: Sālamba Purvottānāsana – उत्थित पूर्वोत्तानासन = Supported intense extension of the ‘east’ side of the body (i.e. the front)